Saturday, April 18, 2009

Studies: Children of gay parents just like other kids

This is one report and news article you won't see the Family Foundation of Kentucky or the lesser American Family Association of Kentucky talking about in any blogs.

Years ago the Kentucky Enquirer reported that children raised by homosexual couples are no different than children raised by heterosexual couples. Why would they be?

The Miami-Herald published this story today:

At least 4 million U.S. children have one or both parents who identify themselves as homosexual, said Gary Gates of the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, but long-term studies are still limited.

Sociologists Judith Stacey and Timothy Biblarz published an analysis in 2001 in the American Sociological Review of 21 studies of children raised by homosexual parents and found that, overall, they were no more likely to suffer from psychological problems than kids raised in conventional homes.

Ultimately, their findings were generally endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and other mainstream organizations.

The bottom line is that within the research community there are no empirical studies demonstrating adverse effects, said Stacey, who is now at New York University. ''We know that a parent's sexual orientation is not a significant factor. A good parent is a good parent . . . and parents who get along and are consistent in their child-rearing . . . have better outcomes than those who don't,'' she said.

Orson Morrison, a 35-year-old clinical psychologist, found that to be his experience growing up in Toronto.

Though society has become more tolerant, the political environment has become harsher, making homosexuality one of the last bastions of acceptable discrimination.


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