The California Supreme Court ruling on the legality on Prop 8 is scheduled for tomorrow, but Kentucky has higher mountains to climb..... LGBTI people can still be fired simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity!
In addition to answering that legal question, however, the seven-member court is expected to address the legal status of some 18,000 same-sex couples who were married in California between June — when the legalization took effect — and Election Day in November.
California Attorney General Jerry Brown, said last year that he believed those same-sex marriages would be legal regardless of Proposition 8. But opponents of same-sex marriage argue that it is illogical to continue to recognize marriages that can no longer be legally performed here.
Since the passage of Proposition 8, several other states have legalized same-sex marriage, including Iowa, Maine and Vermont. Connecticut, where a court decision legalized same-sex marriage shortly before Election Day, began performing ceremonies shortly after California banned them with Proposition 8.
Don't breath very easily about recent victories however, many organizations are mobilizing to fight them, especially Protect Marriage, and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Liberty Counsel, and the American Family Association.
Do we give up? NO! Because that's what true evil is...... though these organizations say gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people are 'sick and evil,' I submit that true evil is when we submit to them.... we believe what they say and give up instead of defying them. I am reminded and inspired by an email Kentucky Equality Federation Jordan Palmer sent a couple of weeks ago:
This is a time in Kentucky's history that every organization and individual must put differences aside and work together to finally secure the 1st Step of Equality for Kentucky. At the end of the day, we are all the same: one community fighting for our civil rights.
While we know the climb to secure equality in Kentucky is very steep, the magnitude of the issues at stake requires that every LGBTI person and straight ally act and stand for the 1st Step of Equality in Kentucky: a statewide law to protect LGBTI people from discrimination in housing, credit, accommodations, and employment!
Eventually, we will also overturn the 2004 discriminatory marriage amendment which blocks same-sex marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships.
Our community and our volunteers continue to be our inspiration to drive forward. At Kentucky Equality Federation, no individual, no group, and no organization shall be turned away in our struggle; we welcome everyone with open arms.
We must bring change to our Commonwealth; it is our generation's obligation and opportunity to bring equality to the LGBTI community; we stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us – the time is here.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall - the motto of the Commonwealth couldn't be more accurate.
Another very good article!
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