Most of the publicity for the election of the commonwealth's chief executive has been centered around unseated U.S. Representative Ann Northup (R) and our current chief executive, Governor Ernie Fletcher.
Though Fletcher has been conservative in a lot of areas, not nearly as conservative as Northup.
Is Governor Fletcher the lesser of the two evils should the primary come down to the Fletcher and Northup? You decide!
Kentucky Equality Federation is no fan of Governor Fletcher.We cannot forget that he refused to veto unconstitutional funding to the University of the Cumberlands, leading the Federation to hold a protest outside the Governor's Mansion during the Governor's Annual Derby Breakfast (that brings approximately 15,000 people to Frankfort from around the nation).
Governor Fletcher also rescinded an executive order Governor Patton had established protecting LGBT people from discrimination in government.
Let us not even address the ugly hiring scandal. We're sick of hearing about it....and the bottom line is that the Fletcher Administration violated laws in our opinion.
Now, on to Northup; while part of Kentucky's Congressional Delegation, Northup voted in a manner inconsistent with Kentucky Equality Federation Values:
Northup voted NO on this issues:Vote 535: H R 6375: Requiring the Secretary of Defense to Submit to Congress An Annual Report and to Provide Notice to the Public on Congressional Initiatives in Funds Authorized or Made Available to the Department of Defense. (no government/public oversight on Pentagon spending)
Prosecuting Hate Crimes - Expand the federal criminal civil rights statute to include violent acts against a person because of a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, gender or disability.
Northup did NOT vote on these issues:Vote 423: H RES 844: Congratulating the International Aids Vaccine Initiative on 10 Years of Significant Achievement in the Search for HIV/AIDS Vaccine, and for Other Purposes.
Northup voted YES on these issues:Warrantless Wiretapping - Warrantless surveillance of telephone and e-mail conversations that Americans in the U.S. have with people abroad, even when there is no evidence that they are conspiring with foreign terrorist organizations. It would authorize Warrantless surveillance of Americans with no judicial check if the U.S. is attacked, or when the president decides there is a threat of attack.
Federal Marriage Constitutional Amendment - Amendment the United States Constitution that would deny the right to marry to all same-sex couples and jeopardize all other protections that same-sex couples have under state or local law. Send to states for ratification.
Anti-Marriage Court-Stripping Bill - A bill to strip all federal courts -- including the U.S. Supreme Court -- of jurisdiction to decide the constitutionality of the anti-gay federal Defense of Marriage Act.
Domestic Partnership - Block the implementation of the Dictrict of Columbia's domestic partnership law. Every year since 1992, Congress has blocked a measure passed by the D.C. City Council that would allow city employees to purchase health insurance for their partners and provide hospital visitation rights to other domestic partners in the city.
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