Liba Wenig Rubenstein, MySpace Public Affairs Coordinator stated: “For your important work to preserve and defend the rights of LGBT Kentuckians and promote equality for all, and for your dynamic and effective use of the MySpace platform to engage users in your cause, MySpace is pleased to announce that you have been voted the winner of a MySpace Impact Award, in the category of Social Justice.”
MySpace launched its own MySpace Impact Awards to honor organizations and individuals "making a difference in the world" via MySpace. The Impact Awards are broken into six categories: Community Building, Health and Safety, Social Justice, Poverty Relief, Environmentalism, and International Development. In addition to a $10,000.00 cash prize, winners also get promotional support from MySpace.
"Thousands upon thousands of our members are using MySpace as a platform to make a positive impact," said Chris DeWolfe, MySpace CEO and co-founder. "The Impact Awards are our way of thanking them and honoring them for leveraging the power of MySpace to do good.”
Nancy Couch, Treasurer and Secretary for Kentucky Equality Federation stated the organization was honored to have even been nominated as a finalist.
In a statement released to MySpace after winning the Social Justice Award, Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer stated: “Kentucky Equality Federation largely focuses on the Gay Civil Rights Movement because to this day they are denied access to social and civil rights enjoyed by the majority. Specifically targeting and exempting a specific group of people from constitutional freedoms enjoyed by the majority is an attack on the very foundation that makes this nation great: tolerance, social acceptance, and diversity. From the Black Civil Rights Movement to the Women's Liberation Movement every generation seems unjustly burdened by our governments to fight for what our Founding Fathers wanted them to have, liberty and justice for all. Using the MySpace platform to educate the public, communicate with followers, and increase awareness of our organization has made Kentucky Equality Federation successful. We would not have been able to reach the massive number of people and organizations we have without MySpace.”
Kentucky Equality Federation solutes MySpace for creating a social networking website where people and organizations can network, share ideas, and engage in worthy causes.
“There are a lot of really good people and organizations on MySpace,” stated Palmer. “We encourage other organizations to reach out to the individuals and organizations on MySpace; utilizing the worlds largest social networking website is a fast and easy way to rally others to your cause.”
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